Whakapapa Overnight Carparking
As highlighted in our June newsletter RAL had proposed changes to the overnight parkingat Top o' the Bruce removing the overnight parking used by many of the clubs. These changes first proposed generated considerable angst to Club members. After many submissions by clubs to RAL, the parking plan has now been updated and Carpark 2 will become the new overnight carpark. Please refer to the map to ensure this season you areparking in the newly allocated overnights parks. Please be aware if you are found to be parked overnight in a space which is not designated as overnight parking you risk being towed.
To assist the mountain operations team and for your own safety please also remember:
When the park is clear of snow can you ensure that you park within the markedcar spaces.
Take care as to how you park allowing other cars to move out when required.
For the late night travellers it is advisable to carry a torch or headlamp and have appropriate foot wear and/or shoe chains for navigating the ice when required. If you are walking up onto the mountain please take extreme care around groomers, particularly if you suspect they are operating the winch – stay well clear until the groomer has unhook the winch. A headlamp and high vis is a great way to be seen at night by our snowmobile operators as well.
Chains should always be carried, after snow you may need them to extract your vehicle if we haven’t been able to clear around it.